Why Spring Is The Perfect Season For Your Corporate Event

The view from the Rooftop at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC

While the summer season is traditionally the most popular season for corporate events (followed by fall and winter), there’s something to be said for hosting your corporate event in the spring. The spring offers several unique advantages that make it an ideal season for corporate events at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC. If you’re thinking … Read more

Why Hosting A Corporate Event At An Event Venue Is Better Than Staying In-Office

A corporate event at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC

Hosting your corporate event in-office may seem like an economical way to share information with your team, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better. In fact, it can often be more beneficial to host your corporate event at an event venue for a variety of reasons. If you’re considering hosting your next corporate event at Tribeca … Read more

How To Wow Your Guests At Your Next Corporate Event

A corporate event at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC

From your website to your team to your public persona, when managing your business, first impressions matter. That’s why putting your best foot forward is crucial when organizing a corporate event. After all, your event may be the first impression your guests will have of your business. But how do you make your event memorable … Read more

The Benefits of In-Person Corporate Meetings

An in-person event at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC

If the past few years have taught us anything about working, it’s that we don’t need to be in the same room to collaborate effectively. But there’s something to be said for in-person meetings. In addition to the camaraderie of seeing your audience face-to-face, in-person meetings have many benefits. If you’re planning a corporate event … Read more

Your Corporate Event Planning Timeline

A corporate event at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC

Hosting a successful corporate event is all in the details. In order to make your event go off without a hitch, it’s important to allow yourself enough time to plan each stage of the event so you’re not rushed or overwhelmed. While the planning stage depends on the date, size, and complexity of your event, it … Read more

The Importance of Networking At Corporate Events

Networking is an important part of any corporate event

You want to host a successful corporate event, but how do you determine if your event is successful? Sure, you can count attendees, evaluate new business opportunities, and read press reviews. Still, when it comes to hosting a corporate event, sometimes the success is in how much your attendees gain from your event. One way to … Read more

Top Tech Trends In Corporate Events

Tech trends at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC

As we become increasingly technology-driven, our special events must naturally evolve to accommodate technological advancements. This makes events more efficient and more engaging to attendees and guests. Tech doesn’t need to be cold and impersonal. In fact, using technology in your special events can make your event more interactive and immersive for your participants. If … Read more

Tips For Proper Corporate Work Party Etiquette

A corporate party at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC

It’s that time of the year again: time for your corporate holiday party! But before you put on that ugly sweater and pop the champagne, familiarize yourself with the do’s of corporate holiday party etiquette at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC. Hosting a party can be a lot of work, but proper etiquette will save … Read more