Photo Credit: Cly By Chung

Summertime. It’s beautiful, but it can be a bit unpredictable, what with the rainstorms, the heat, and other surprise weather events that seem to be popping up around the country these days.

If you’re planning a summer wedding at Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC this year, it’s a good idea to have some back up options for your big day, just in case mother nature decides to not cooperate on your big day. But it’s not all bad news, in fact it’s great to use the pleasant weather of summer to your advantage.

Here are a few ways to make the most of the summer weather for your big day!

Sun Worshippers

One of the best things about the summer is the sun. It’s warm, it’s golden, and it stays out late, so you can extend your outdoor summer gathering a bit longer before you need to switch on the outdoor lights.

Keep in mind religious rules regarding sunset when planning, as this may push your ceremony later in the evening if you choose to get married on a Saturday or other religious day.

It’s Like Rain On Your Wedding Day

They say when it rains on your wedding day it means good luck, but it sure doesn’t feel like that- especially when you’re planning an outdoor wedding. That’s why a backup plan is always a good idea. If you are choosing an outdoor venue like Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC, inquire about using both our indoor and outdoor spaces, so if there are showers, we’ve got you covered.

Another option is to set up tents at your outdoor venue that can protect your guests until the showers pass. The sky’s the limit at our rooftop venue, so inquire about setting up tents of your own just in case.

Too Hot To Handle

Another excellent reason to have a backup plan for your venue is excessive heat. With record temperatures recorded in NYC in recent years, there’s always a possibility that it could be scorching on your big day.

If your event takes place outdoors, set up cooling stations with mist, drinking water and fans for your guests to cool down. Or, book both venues and escape the heat by retreating indoors to comfortable air conditioning.

Remember, you want your wedding to be hot for the right reasons, so be sure to take the weather into account when planning your big day. To learn more about hosting your big day here, please contact Tribeca Rooftop + 360° in NYC.